Leaflets in PDF format below:

PSA Schedules

NSR Schedules

NHF Schedules

Click to download rolling demonstration of Global Schedule of Rates for:

PSA Building Presentation

PSA Electrical Presentation

NSR Building Presentation

NHF Presentation



Each Order can be accessed by up to three different Order numbers, for instance one could be the Client's number, another the Contractor's and the last an automatically generated sequential number.

Either full dimensions can be entered, such as for Building or Decorating schedules, these will be multiplied out later, or total quantities can be entered, such as Mechanical or Electrical schedules.

Schedule codes are easily located, by displaying the appropriate trade section, requesting a search for a description or simply by entering the code number.

When entry of an Order is complete each code and description is listed, the dimensions are squared to produce the quantity and this is extended by the rate. The total price appears at the end and is adjusted by the relevant percentage(s).

Non-Schedule items are easily added to an Order. These include Star or Agreed Rates, Net Rates, Dayworks, Supply Only, Invoices, Sub-Contractors, Materials, Hired Plant, PC Sums and Free typed descriptions.